

SquidFactor's method

SquidFactor is a service that helps the user getting a optimal result in aptitude tests used in e.g. recruitment processes. SquidFactor creates a individually adapted flow of questions and feedback, developed together with researchers in psychology at Stockholm Universty (Sweden).

As user, you're getting help in two ways:

Short term by getting better acquainted with the situation, the questions and how to think in the situation with aptitude tests. 

Medium and long term, SquidFactor can increase your ability to solve problems.

The principle behind SquidFactor is to create the best possible conditions to give a well thought out answer to the comming questions. That means focus is less on whether you answered right or wrong on a previous question, but rather about how you were thinking when answering a previous question.  Det innebär att fokus förflyttas från om svaret på en tidigare fråga var rätt eller fel, till att handla om hur man har tänkt när man svarade på en tidigare fråga. 

The feedback is built to have you contemplate why you answered a question the way you did, and make you take a stand on whether you'll change your answer with the new information you've gotten.